Dedicated to that twang

Gretsch Brian Setzer Hot Rod 2-Tone
One of the greatest ambassadors Gretsch Guitars has ever known was George Harrison. It’s fitting that Brian Setzer, today’s biggest advocate of the New York born hollow body, cites Harrison as the guy he first saw with the instrument in the 60s. The Liverpool lads not only turned young Americans on to rock ‘n’ roll, but they turned them on to American made six strings.
Fast forward to the 80s and Setzer was rewinding things with the Stray Cats. The band’s homage to rockabilly, made possible in no small part to Gretsch, went to school on the rock ‘n’ roll that Harrison and the Beatles brought. Setzer has been carrying on his love affair with music and the six strings ever since.
The new Brian Setzer Gretsch Hot Rod 2-Tone is part of a new series featuring Hot Rods, Nashvilles and the Black Phoenix. Setzer is a musician’s musician and his instrument of choice is the Gretsch. All this pointing out of the obvious is to add weight to the fact that these guitars were built to Setzer’s specification. This ain’t no frivolous celebrity endorsement. The Brain Setzer Hot Rod has a ’59 style trestle bracing and f-holes and dual Brain Setzer “Signature” TV Jones pickups. That’s right Setzer has his own signature pick ups. His personal tweak on TV Jones Classics. This is a guy serious about getting his sound right.
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