Learning to love acrylic. Or the kit that Bonham kicked.

Ludwig Vistalite Amber ‘Zep Kit’
Truth be told, if the Ludwig Vistalite Drum Kit featured at NAMM 15 didn’t come from, well, Ludwig. And if it didn’t have a historical endorsement from Led Zeppelin’s John Bonham, we’d be tempted to write the amber acrylic 5-piece off. It’s a little too Austin Powers.
Let’s break it down.
1: Ludwig is a 106 year-old kick ass drum manufacturer. And while the Vistalite line is not for everybody. Perhaps you like to drum in the nude and the whole transparent thing doesn’t work for you. Of course, if you’re drumming in the nude you’re probably a bite of an exhibitionist and this would be a plus. The point being, while the sonic snap of these boisterous pounders is not for everybody, Ludwig quality can never be denied.
2: Led Zep lore. Bonham was one of the first to play the Vistalite line. He was sent a set in 1973 straight off the Ludwig line. Call us starfu*kers, but Bonzo was the bomb. It’s hard to think of a drummer with more recognizable riffs. Of the three kits John Bonham is known for playing the Amber Vistalite is the most famous. Partly because it appeared in The Song Remains the Same. Party because it’s amber acrylic.
All that means we give these groovy beaters 3 Intersecting Circles up.
Since 2005 Ludwig has been offering Zep Kits in their Visalite, Classic and Accent lines. Learn to love them here.