This’ll change your tune.

Roadie Automatic Guitar Tuner
You know when you’re at a show and your favorite rock god changes his guitar more times than Katy Perry changes her wardrobe. You might think to yourself, ‘Is that really necessary’ and ‘why am I making Katy Perry references? Dam you Super Bowl halftime show.’
Well changing guitars between songs isn’t a mere act of theatre. The incoming axes are usually tuned to a specific song. A luxury yes, but nice work if you can get it. This leaves us everyday pluckers with only one or two guitars at a disadvantage. The Roadie Automatic Guitar Tuner app is here to help a brother out.
The Roadie tuner connects directly to your tuning pegs. The device then links up to a mobile app through Bluetooth. The thing that’s cool about the app is that it’ll remember any custom tunings or alternate tunings you have in your set list. So for those of us without multiple guitars, the Roadie quickly changes a guitar’s tune to the exact sound you want.
The app will also suggest when it’s time to change your strings if you want something that’s more accurate than ever second x-mas. Funded through Kickstarter, the Roadie Tuner is now shipping for $99. The app works with iOS and Android devices.
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