Where Green Day grew up.

Turn it around: The Story of East Bay Punk gets a deluxe package release.
One of the guidelines that Green Day set when entrusting a film about the roots of East Bay punk to first time director Corbett Redford was to not mystify nostalgia to the point where people think this is something that they could not recreated. The goal was to inspire kids to create something of their own today. The result is Turn It Around: The Story of East Bay Punk.
With Turn it Around’s home release, 1-2-3-GO! records has put together film and soundtrack packages. The mother of which is a Mega Combo Pack with 2 Gold LPs, 2 Cassettes and a Blu-Ray/DVD. If you’re like me you’re wondering who is listening to cassettes? I also think it’s a major puck rock shame that they did not include a book featuring the art and illustrations from the film and scene.
If you haven’t seen the film and would like to see if it’s something you’re into, there are a few interviews with the director on YouTube. This one from the Kalma Show goes into more depth than most.
For the completely uninitiated, this is the story of how in the mid-90s the surrounding suburbs of San Francisco produced hundreds of bands most notable Operation Ivy, The Offspring, Rancid and Green Day. The epicentre of the movement was The Gilman a non-profit art and music centre. The space run by members is still alive today giving unsigned acts a place to scream and shout.
Whether you’re the type who likes to watch or play, you should head to 924gilman.org
Billie Joe’s sideband Longshot just did a tour of tiny gigs in the US and Canada which speaks volumes to how much he loved the Gilman days,
Back to the merch. Are the Turn It Around packages worth it?
If you are a fan, yes.
If you’re simply looking to get inspired stream the soundtrack or film.
Then once you convert, you can drop some fun funds on the cassette.