The Ramones Converse myth

Ramones (Product) Red Converse All Star Hi-Tops
Spring means new kicks. New Converse means I may not play in a garage band, but I want that vibe. This is largely attributed to the Ramones.
Truth be told, there’s probably been more models of Ramones Converse than the band ever wore between them. These (Product) Red editions are sweet (and sadly out of stock everywhere we looked). The hit of red is cool, but they look nothing like the Keds the band worn on the cover of their first album.
That’s right kids, the band attributed with turning Chucks into the rock ‘n’ roll shoe didn’t wear them as much as you’d think. The band wore Keds on the cover of their first album. Joey never wore them at all. He needed more support. Who knew fallen arches was punk?
Others myths you might wanna prepared yourself for are: Alice Cooper never bit a head off a bat. Gene Simmons does not have a cow’s tongue. And none of the Ramones were actually siblings.
Historic accuracy aside, there’s nothing like a new pair of Converse to give you that three chords and a dream vibe. Unfortunately the pickings right now are slimmer than Joey Ramone’s thigh. We did find some at Rio X20, but there aren’t a many.
Let us know if you spot any and we’ll gladly share.