A drummer’s drum from a drummer’s drummer.

Gretsch Taylor Hawkins Signature Snare
To take the gig as the drummer in a band led by Dave Grohl, one of rock most respected and recognized drummers, takes balls the size of floor toms. Proof of Grohl’s drumming talents can be heard in an instance with the opening riff of Smells Like Teen Spirit. Grohl’s snare high-hat flourish makes the song immediately recognizable. It’s a gimme in Name That Tune.
If you’re looking for proof if Rock’s Mr. Nice Guy might be hard to drum for, just ask the guy who first tried to fill the seat, William Goldsmith. After recording The Colour and The Shape, Grohl showed Goldsmith the door and rerecorded all the drum tracks. The percussionist that has survived Grohl’s backbeat driver (drum pun) is one Taylor Hawkins. Chemistry and Hawkins’ ability to master the quite loud quite loud vision of Grohl’s song writing has been instrumental in making the FOOs one of America’s biggest bands.
With a pretty good idea of who his audience is, Hawkins insisted that a snare with his name on it be built for kids who want to rock, more hard than not, and priced so kids can afford it. The Gretsch Taylor Hawkins signature snare is a 6.5” x 14” black nickel-plated steel snare complete with a signature badge with ‘The Hawk’ logo and Taylor’s John Hancock.
Find more info at gretschdrums.com