Selling Rock ‘n’ Roll to the Strip

Rock ‘n’ Roll Billboards of the Sunset Strip Exhibition
This David Bowie billboard announcing a string of gigs in support of Diamond Dogs is part of the Rock ‘n’ Roll Billboards of the Sunset Strip Exhibit.
A while back we featured photographer Martin Landau’s book Rock ‘n’ Roll Billboards of the Sunset Strip. It’s a look at rock’s first foray in to Don Draper’s madison avenue. Now, to help sell more books for Martin, make old guys reminisce about the 70s and impart a short lived r ‘n’ r phenomenon onto any hipsters who happen to wander in, the Rock And Roll Billboards of the Sunset Strip Exhibition is live through August 16 at the Skirball Cultural Centre in LA.
The show, a compliment to the Bill Graham and the Rock & Roll Revolution Exhibit, features 20 photographs of hand painted billboards creating an experience that’s more 70s than a double live album.
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