Glyn Johns story of recording rock 'n' roll

Sound Man by Glyn Johns

So Glyn Johns has sat in the room with the Beatles, the Stones, the Who, Zeppelin and the Clash while they crafted their music. What would you do to have a beer with this guy? Which is highly unlikely for a number of reasons, but mostly on account that Glyn Jones is a teetotaler. Which is terrible for your chances of ever listening to him recounts tales of rock ‘n’ roll debauchery over a pint, but it was great for John’s memory while recalling the stories that fill Sound Man. He was sober during the recordings of Abbey Road, Let it Be, Led Zeppelin I, Who’s Next. As the saying goes, the list goes on, and in this case it’s an incredible list. The legendary engineer, producer was there for the Stones first European tour, Hendrix’s Albert Hall appearance in London and the Beatles famous roof top performance.

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