Marky puts pen and paper to punk.

Punk Rock Blitzkrieg My Life as a Ramone
Today is the release of Marc Steven Bell’s autobiography Punk Rock Blitzkrieg: My Life as a Ramone. Marc, Marky Ramone, was number 2 of 3 drummers for the pioneer punkers. He replaced Tommy in 1978, who had grown tired of touring. Tommy stuck around as a producer helping the band put together Road to Ruin. But it was Marky on the drums for I Wanna be Sedated and the 3 chord juggernaughts that were to follow.
It’s quit sad to think that all 4 founding members of the Ramones are gone. It also makes Marky’s book that much more intriguing. While not there at the beginning, he was there at the gabba, gabba hey day.
After 15 years, Marky was asked to give up his seat behind the pedals. Some accounts suggest he enjoyed a libation more than he should have on occasion, but why not hear it from the source.
You can find Marky Ramone’s story here. Or if the stars align, you can catch him on the book tour.