American Deluxe Dimension Bass IV HH

The American Deluxe Dimension Bass IV HH

The new Fender Dimension Bass series comes from a quality pedigree. The Fender Precision Bass and Jazz Bass are both pillars of the rock ‘n’ roll rhythm section. The Precision Bass was the first electric bass to seriously shake things up in the 50s and has remained widely popular ever since.

Not that Fender hasn’t had a misstep or two along the way, in 1986 the company released the Performer Bass, an unfortunate name in hindsight. Perform it didn’t and was discontinued in 1987. More recently, in 2004 Fender introduced the Dimension Bass IV and V. They were well built, but went largely unnoticed and were unplugged in 2007.

Funky bass walk to today and you have the introduction of the New Dimension Bass series. Totally redesigned, the New Dimension is sweet reboot of a good idea. Featured is the American Deluxe Dimension Bass IV HH. The cadillac of the series, it’s dual humbucking pick ups offer loads of power to shake a whole lot of money makers.

You can ogle the full line up here.