The revolution is no accepting US funds.

The Joe Strummer Foundation has recently launched a new store to help raise money for its various causes. The JSF, ex-Strummervile, was created after the death of The Clash frontman in December 2002. Strummer, along with being one of the coolest punks to ever dawn a safety pin, was a huge proponent of live music to inspire young people. Today the JSF continues to fight for the importance of music and art in our lives with a focus on helping struggling musicians and young bands getting heard.
With the new Joe Strummer Foundation store, the organization has partnered with BSI MERCH. A good move with an added benefit for anyone living in the American colonies. The foundation’s old store only dealt in British pounds and if you ordered from outside of Europe you got hit with exchange rates and VATS. The extra fees put you in you in a Boston Tea Party frame of mind. Now while the JSF clearly has revolution in its DNA, they prefer you to focus your anger elsewhere. I suggest FM radio.
But now, with the new store, US/UK relations look bright again.
You can check out the new Joe Strummer Foundation shop and order your revolution here.