You can judge a book by the album cover.

Hipgnosis Portraits Pays tribute to album cover art

Hipgnosis Portraits

When CDs replaced vinyl in the 80s, the biggest shame was the loss of the 12-inch cover art. The CD reduced the format to a piddley 5-inches and streaming —well, not much to look at there. Hipgnosis was a design collective consisting of Strom Thirgerson, Aubrey ‘Po’ Powell and Peter Christopherson. The group were responsible for some of the most inspiring and innovative album cover art of the late 60s, 70s and early 80s. Hipgnosis Portriats is a fantastic recollection on their art and, more interesting, how it was made.  The book is narrated by the collectives only surving member Aubry ‘Po’ Powell, who has cleverly devided the story in to two sections. Part 1: Imagination tells the back story of the conception of some of the most iconic album cover art by the likes of Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones, Paul McCartney, The Who, and The Police. Part 11: Relization features beautiful finished products.

You can pick if up here.