Joe Corre would regift this book.

God Save The Sex Pistols Deluxe Editions
If Joe Corre happens to be on your x-mas shopping list, do not get him God Save The Sex Pistols. The book, packed with punk rock nostalgia celebrating the Pistols through poster art and photography, has received two limited edition runs.
Still, while you may think that being the son of Malcom Maclaren would make you a fan of UK Punk, you’d be wrong. On the 40th Anniversary of the release of Anarchy in the U.K., Joe set ablaze 6 to 12 million dollars worth of Sex Pistols memorabilia on a barge in London.
Why not simply donate the stuff to charity?
Former Sex Pistols bassist, Glen Matlock summed up the event up nicely, “I think he’s a nincompoop.” So there’s really no more thought you need to give it. Other than you shouldn’t even think of giving Corre this book. Unless you are looking to fan the flames of his anti-nostalgia rage (punk rock pun, to wrap up the paragraph).
If you or someone you know doesn’t mind recognizing the musical explosion that took place 40 years ago, God Save the Sex Pistols works. There are three editions, the original, a deluxe and an ultra deluxe edition. What’s tempting about the deluxe editions are the silk screen prints of concert posters.
Each addition has some pedigree behind it. Editor Johan Kugleberg is responsible for the first punk rock auction at Christies. Contributor Glen Terry is a longtime Pistols archivist and writer John Savage is a music journalist and puck guru who created one of the first punk fanzines in 1976 called London’s Outrage.
None of the above will be expecting an x-mas card from Joe Corre.