Arctic Monkeys offer the keys to Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino

Truth be told it’s a key ring.
The Arctic Monkeys key ring is a novelty, a gaff, a frivolous accessory.
It’s also perfect.
The Arctic Monkeys latest creative leap is a sci-fi concept album about kicking back on an interstellar outpost in deep space. It’s an album that challenges fans to come along for a ride as Alex Turner and band take their sound to places few would have imagined before hearing the opening piano chimes of Star Treatment. Three songs in and the wonderfully random and brilliantly cinematic lyrics convince that Alex Turner is at the top of his game. Even with its piano driven songs and crooner delivery, this is easily one of the best rock albums of 2018.
The Tranquility Base Hotel and Casino doesn’t need a key chain to make it better.
But somehow it does.
The key ring in black, green and white along with some other cool swag, notably a lyric book, was available on the band’s website.
Sadly, at the moment, they are long sold out.
The Monkeys are currently finishing up a string of 4 sold out shows at London’s 02 Arena. The clips I’ve seen have looked brilliant. And after seeing them in Montreal this year at Osheaga, I can tell you the tour is fantastic.
Update: The band played sold out gigs in the UK finishing up in Newcastle on 09/29.