Month: March 2015

Jim Irsay’s guitar budget is bigger than yours.

Jim Irsay’s guitar budget is bigger than yours.

John Lennon’s 1963 Gretsch 6120 Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay has been spending a lot of money on guitars lately. Most recently in the news there’s the $530,000 he dropped on the 1963 John Lennon Gretsch guitar. Lennon famously used the 6120 to record Paperback 

Black Keys kit originally a sales tool.

Black Keys kit originally a sales tool.

The Ludwig Salesman Kit The Ludwig Salesman kit saw a resurgence when Black Keys drummer Pat Carney toured with the multi-colored set. You wouldn’t be alone if you thought the Ludwig classic set was a result of 60s psychedelia, see acid trip. The rainbow finish was 

Prolific punk

Prolific punk

Tim Armstrong Art Exhibition The Wars End

Tim Armstrong is a busy guy. Just ask Shepard Fairy, ‘If Tim’s drive and proliferation in multiple mediums don’t inspire you to get off your ass, nothing will!”

Following his first solo art exhibition in LA, Avenues & Alleyways, Tim Armstrong is having a second show in Japan. The Wars End Exhibition will be at THE blank GALLERY in Tokyo from March 24 to April 12. For those of you who will not be able make the trip to the land of the rising punk, Tim is posting pics on twitter and instagram @timtimebomb.

Other things keeping Mr. Armstrong busy these days are his independent record label, playing in multiple bands, producing and touring his main gig Rancid promoting the band’s 8th album Honor is All We Know. So like get off your ass already.

Electric kicks

Electric kicks

New Balance 1400 Connoisseur Guitar Pimped out with colorways inspired by the gloss of american electric guitars, the New Balance Connoisseur Guitar Pack is for the sneaker head and the guitar geek alike. The chosen hue of the pigskin suede on the New Balance 1400 

When the LP cover was the only other screen

When the LP cover was the only other screen

In the 60s, the Beatles Revolver and Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band covers were the best sensory overload in town. Even in the multi-screen present, Sgt. Peppers has enough layers to kill an afternoon. Part of the MoMA Making Music Modern: Design For Ear And 

Takamine’s rare flower

Takamine’s rare flower

The LTD-2015 Renge-So

The new Takamine and ESP partnership will make it both easier and harder to get your hands on limited edition Takamine’s like the LTD-2015 Renge-So. Fans of Takamine acoustics will see increased distribution in the US through ESP dealers making the brand easier to find. But in the case of limited editions, it’ll also see them selling out quicker.

Each year Takamine produces an extreme limited edition guitar with a unique, never to be repeated look. This year the Renge-So flower embellishes the solid spruce top and mahogany fret board of the LTD-2015. Why the Renge So you ask? The flower is native to the foothills of the Takamine mountains of Japan, home to the first Takamine’s created in 1959.

Learn more about where you can find it at

A picture can transform a thousand words.

A picture can transform a thousand words.

Lou Reed Transformer by Mick Rock When you think of Lou Reed a number of images come to mind. Many of them iconic rock ‘n’ roll. From the Velvet Underground Andy Warhol banana to Lou puckering up from captain androgynous David Bowie. And then there’s 

Mad 2 Tone roots

Mad 2 Tone roots

Madness M logo T Madness is a bit of fringe band, or dare we say a novelty, in North America. But in the UK they’re an institution. In 1979, Madness and 2 Tone label mates the Specials, the Selector and the English Beat reinvented ska