Tag: low cut connie

A trail of crumbs to the best live streams on the web.

A trail of crumbs to the best live streams on the web.

Low Cut Connie Tough Cookie merch is about commemorating a man and a band that have made the most of a moment.

Low Cut Connie’s Shondra has earned your ears.

Low Cut Connie’s Shondra has earned your ears.

Pictured is Low Cut Connie’s Adam Weiner getting a leg up on Shondra. I was lucky enough to catch the man, the band and the piano at SXSW last March. A highlight was Weiner pulling out a fist full of chest hair to underline a point. 

Equal pay for Connie

Equal pay for Connie

So when I came across this Low Cut Connie t-shirt, I couldn’t help but see it as an endorsement of the #metoo movement. A street smart woman, battered but not beaten. Ready to seize the moment of the current political climate and kick some ass.

Sometimes I overthink things.

Low Cut Connie plays uncomplicated beer-soak rock ‘n’ roll. They abide to the school of getting it right over perfect. You’ll find songs about guys and girls making mistakes. Boogie woogie consenting adults can get all hot sweaty to on the dance floor. Besides the band’s latest and most excellent album ‘Dirty Pictures’ (Part 1) came out in May 2017. #metoo dropped in October.

Them’s the facts.

But wait, ‘Dirty Pictures’ (Part 2) is coming out in May 2018. And Weiner is on the cover rockin’ a wife beater. Crap.

A little history. Low Cut Connie got its name from a waitress Weiner knew who wore low cut tops.  Now I’ve never meet the woman, but it wouldn’t be crazy to assume that she’s had a reason to hashtag metoo.

So whether you’re looking to get behind the movement or the band, either way, it’s Connie’s movement. Buy the T. Low Cut Connie is a grossly underrated band that deserves your earbuds.